OINP Employee Job Offer

OINP Employee Job Offer

For Foreign Worker & International Student Streams

Program Description

The Canadian Employer Sponsored Immigration – Ontario Employer Job Offer Category is an Ontario-specific immigration program where applicants are required to obtain a permanent, full-time Job Offers from qualified Ontario employers and meet the qualification requirements for the positions in the area. Foreign workers and their family members can apply for permanent residency in Canada after they receive provincial nomination certificates.

Employer Criteria

Employers must have been in active business (corporations, limited partnerships and sole proprietorships) for at least 3 years.  Employers must have business premises in Ontario where the prospective nominee will work.  Employers must be in compliance with the Ontario Employment Standards Act and the Occupational Health and Safety Act. Employers inside of the Greater Toronto Area must have:  A minimum of $1,000,000 in gross annual revenue for the most recent fiscal year, Five full-time employees who are Canadian citizens or permanent residents at the location where the applicant will work.

Employers outside of the Greater Toronto Area must have:  A minimum of $500,000 in gross annual revenue for the most recent fiscal year,  Three full-time employees who are Canadian citizens or permanent residents at the location where the applicant will wor

Position Criteria

To be considered for as an eligible position, the position must:

Be full-time position and of an indeterminate duration 

Must consist of a minimum of 30 hours per week and at least 1,560 hours in a one year period.  

Be in an eligible occupation: In the Foreign Worker with a Job Offer Stream or the International Student with a Job Offer Stream, skilled occupations are eligible (National Occupation Classification Code 0, A or B) Meet the median or low wage level for that occupation and region of Ontario. For the International Student Stream, the position must meet the low wage level for the occupation in the specific employment region of Ontario where the applicant will be working. If the applicant is already working for the employer in the position, the wage of the job offer must also be equal to or greater than the wage level that the employer currently pays the applicant in that position. Not affect the settlement of any labour dispute or affect the employment of a person involved in such a dispute. Be necessary to the employer’s business. This means that the job duties must be consistent with the business activities of the business. The anticipated employment activities related to the position must occur primarily in Ontario.

Note: Employers may have to demonstrate sufficient proof of recruitment efforts if the applicant is an individual who currently lives abroad, is visiting Canada, or is working in a province or territory other than Ontario.

Requirements of an Applicant — Foreign Worker Stream

At the time of the application, you must have a job offer from an eligible Ontario employer that meets the following criteria: Is a full-time job offer of an indeterminate duration in a skilled occupation (NOC 0, A or B), and Meets the median wage levels in Ontario for that occupation and region.

If the applicant is already working for the employer in the position, the wage of the job offer must also be equal to or greater than the wage level that the employer currently pays the applicant in that position. Have two cumulative years of work experience in the same NOC occupation as the one in your job offer in the last five years immediately preceding the date of application submission.  Have the relevant mandatory licensing in Ontario for a regulated occupation, if applicable. Have an intention to reside in Ontario. Have legal status in Canada (i.e., study permit, work permit, visitor record) if currently residing in Canada. Not required if you are residing outside of Canada

Requirements of an Applicant — International Student Stream

At the time of the application, you must have a job offer from an eligible Ontario employer that meets the following criteria: Is a full-time job offer of an indeterminate duration in a skilled occupation (NOC 0, A or B), and Meets the low wage level in Ontario for that occupation and region.  Have completed the requirements necessary to obtain: a degree or diploma from an eligible Canadian institution that takes at least two years to complete if pursued on a full-time basis; or a degree, diploma or certificate from an eligible Canadian institution that takes at least one year to complete if pursued on a full-time basis and that requires the completion of a degree as a prerequisite. Have completed at least half of your studies on a full-time basis while lawfully residing and studying in Canada.  Apply within two years from the date on which you completed all degree, diploma or certificate requirements. For OINP purposes, this will be the date on your education credential, or if your credential has not yet been granted, the date on your official letter from your academic institution stating when your credential will be granted. Have an intention to reside in Ontario.

Have legal status in Canada (i.e., study permit, work permit, visitor record) if currently residing in Canada. Not required if you are residing outside of Canada


  1. Submit Application to OINP for Nomination Certificate.
  2. After receiving Nomination Certificate from OINP, submit P.R Application & Work Permit Application to IRCC – Federal Level if you choose to work prior your landing in Canada.
  3. Receive Confirmation of Permanent Residence Document.
  4. Validate your Confirmation of Permanent Residence.

List of Current Open Positions

1.     Supervisor of Guest Services 

2.     Front Desk Supervisor 

3.     Housekeeping Supervisor 

4.     Cleaning Supervisor 

5.     Customer Service Representative Supervisor 

6.     Kitchen Supervisor 

7.     Restaurant Supervisor 

8.     Accommodation Marketing Supervisor 

9.     Advertising Supervisor 

10. Bookkeeping Supervisor 

11. Inventory Control Supervisor 

12. Purchasing Manager 

13. Event Planner

14. Hotel Managing Supervisor 

15. Headwaiter Supervisor 

16. Sous Chefs 

17. Food Preparation Supervisor 

18. Room Attendant Supervisor 

19. Night Auditor Supervisor 

20. Computer Maintenance 

21. Building Maintenance Manager 

22. Building Maintenance Supervisor 

23. Banquet Manager 

24. Cook 

25. Dining Room Manager 

26. Laundry Supervisor 

27. Dry Cleaning Production Supervisor