Prince Edward Island Provincial Nominee Program (PEIPNP)

In September 2018, the PEIPNP Entrepreneur Category migrated to a Work Permit Stream, whereby applicants will come to PEI and run a business for 1 year before being nominated and later receiving permanent residency.


The benefits of the Work Permit stream include the following:

  • Small initial payment to be paid upon Invitation that includes Government Fee to Apply & amount to be invested in a business after obtaining the Work Permit.
  • No escrow deposit
  • Speedy provincial processing (an interview will be scheduled approximately 5-8 months after the complete application is filed).
  • When the applicant family moves to PEI, the children can attend public school in PEI for free (kindergarten to grade 12).  Post-graduate students will pay foreign student rates until permanent residence is received.
  • Medical care will be free for the family after residing in PEI for 6 months.
  • The spouse can obtain an open work permit.
  • Fast federal processing is expected (10-14 months in most posts).


Applicants must meet the following criteria:

  • Intend to settle in PEI, and to manage, invest in, or own a business in PEI.
  • Make a minimum investment in a PEI business in accordance with Section 87 of the IRPA regulations.
  • Have minimum $600,000 in Net Worth (principal applicant’s and spouse’s assets combined).
  • Be able to document the source of funds for $600,000 (it must be earned through the applicant’s own endeavours; loans, inheritance, and gifts cannot be used).
  • Be between 21 and 59 years of age.
  • Have completed at least 12 years of school (completed secondary school).
  • Have minimum 3 years (in the past 5 years) of transferable management or business ownership experience, directly managing at least 3 employees.
  • Have basic proficiency in English or French (CLB 4 or greater).


The PEI Government has implemented an Expression of Interest model of file submission.  Under this model, the client or agent will submit preliminary documents to us electronically (e.g. via email or Dropbox), to enable us to create the applicant’s Expression of Interest profile:

  • Passport for each family member.
  • English and/or French language assessment for the principal applicant (and spouse, if applicable).
  • Self Assessment form, completed and signed by the principal applicant &
    completed Business Plan Building.
  • Resume and reference letters for both principal applicant and spouse.
  • Supporting net worth documents completed.
  • Narrative document, explaining how the principal applicant and spouse accumulated/earned their combined net worth (it cannot be inherited or gifted).
  • Proof of education (e.g. diplomas).
  • Proof of enrollment and current attendance of any children in PEI schools (minimum 6 months), if applicable.
  • Proof of spouse’s attendance at a post-secondary institution in PEI, if applicable.
  • Proof of close relatives (parent, grandparent, child, brother, sister, aunt, or uncle) living in PEI for minimum 1 year, if applicable.
  • Proof of experience in agriculture and expressed desire to operate a farm in PEI, if applicable.
  • Professional Services Agreement, completed and signed by the applicant.
  • We will evaluate your client’s qualifications, and suggest ways in which he/she may increase his/her score if applicable.

Once the PEI Government selects an applicant, please submit the full, paper file to us as soon as possible (including all forms and backup documents that will be provided once client is retained). We will review/process the file and submit it to the PEI Government.

The PEI Government will review the file and invite the applicant for interview. Thereafter we will arrange the applicant’s itinerary, assist the applicant during the exploratory visit, and prepare him/her for the interview.

Following a successful interview, the PEI Government will issue a Letter of Support to the applicant, enabling him/her to obtain a Work Permit and move to PEI.  The applicant must start a business within PEI, and run it for 1 year (while the family lives in PEI) before being nominated.

Following nomination, the applicant’s federal file is submitted.  The applicant and family will continue to live and run the business in PEI until permanent residence visa issuance.